Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How To Organize Your Move

One of the most annoying experiences in life is moving to a new residence. There is so much to plan and do, and it often seems like you are still trying to pack and clean on moving day. Many people think that all they have to do is pack up their stuff and they are ready to move.

That is not the case. There are many other little details that must be taken care of throughout the process. It is a good idea to have a binder where you can keep all of the important information you will need before, during, and after the move. Here are the things that you should have in that binder.
The more you have written down, the less likely you will be to forget anything. There are lots of printable checklists online that you can use. Reference these lists as you are preparing to move to make sure that you don’t forget something important. Your lists should include everything to be done before, during, and after the move.

Make sure that you keep track of all of your utilities, both at your current home and the home you are moving to. Make sure that all utility appointments are scheduled well in advance, and have a list of these appointments and contact information. Unfortunately, in many cases, you will have a rather long window of time when utility companies can show up, so make sure that you have something to keep yourself busy with while you are waiting for each appointment.
Loan Documents
You may need to access your loan documents at any time, so keep them in the binder so you have easy access to them. Once you are settled in your new home, find a permanent place to keep them, such as a filing cabinet or safe in your home office. Make sure that they are not easily accessible to others, but that you can get your hands on them quickly when you need them.

Mover Information
It is important that you have the contact information for your moving company on hand, because you never know when you will need it. Also, make sure that you have the rental contract in the binder, as well as goods in transit insurance information.

For anything that you buy in relation to your move and your new home, keep the receipts. Create a section in the binder that is just for these receipts. That way, if you need to return something that doesn’t work or fit, you will have the receipt and there will be no issues later on.

Builder Information
If you are having a new home built, or are renovating the home you are moving into or out of, you need to make sure that you have all of the contact information, warranties, and other information about your builder on hand.

Inventory List
Print out a “moving inventory list” online and fill it out. This list should include every item in your home. It is a good idea to break the list down into categories, such as by room. That way, you have a list of what needs to be in each room after you move.

There is going to be so much going on during your move that you could end up forgetting about important appointments. Make a section in your binder for your appointments, your schedule, moving company schedules, etc. You can create a calendar as a Word document and then print it out. Then, all you have to do is write the appointments in the appropriate blocks.

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