Wednesday, June 29, 2016

5 Reasons to Visit India Before You’re 30

Life is good. You’ve got a solid job, a nice little place to live, and plenty of friends and family around you to enjoy your free time.

You even get away at least twice a year to some really beautiful and interesting places.

But, something isn’t quite right. At the back of your mind you know that you should be feeling all of this just a little bit more. You don’t like to admit it, but there are times when you have the sensation that all you’re doing is going through the motions. You chose life, and are pretty much winning at it, but….

What I’m describing above is exactly the kind of life that I was living a few years back. There was no outwardly reason for me to turn my back on the set-up that I had. I didn’t go to India expecting a six week trip to change all that much.

It was supposed to be a short intermission between my leaving Barcelona and heading to the bright lights of London to seek my fame and fortune. I never made it to London. And those six weeks turned into six months. India changed my life, and I’ve seen first hand how much of a profound effect it has also had on so many others.

Here are 5 very unfairly curtailed reasons as to how it could do the same for you:

1. The Culture Shock

Until you get there, you can never fully appreciate what that first initial shock of being in India is like. Even in the most modern, upwardly mobile cities, this is just a different world. And it’s from this jumping off point that you are forced to very quickly reconcile yourself to the fact that we’re a long way from Kansas now, Toto! This chaotic sensory wake up call is something that you must first manage and then learn to embrace as you see for yourself just how much intestinal fortitude you really have.

2. The People

In India, you will meet some of the most welcoming, hospitable, upbeat people you have ever encountered. They love to talk with you about where you come from and oftentimes they will happily provide you with a plethora of information about their particular town and city and all of the best things to see and do there.

Locals are also usually very proud of their local religious festivals and are a great source for you to get a better grasp of what is going on and why.

It is not just the local people either. When you visit India, you will immediately come across legions of other foreigners just like you, all trying to find their way within this madness. Foreigners stick together and there is always somebody on hand to help you out if you need help or advice.

3. The Food

Indian cuisine is about a lot more than just curry. It is a land full of fruits and vegetables that you may never have even seen before and a cooking culture that is unique to every state that you visit and ingrained in the very fabric of each village, town, and city that you’ll stay. And, no, it’s not all really spicy. Of course it can be, if you dare to try, but usually the food served to foreigners is purposely left quite mild so as to not scare us off.

4. Religion and Spirituality

Religion plays a role in society here that pervades every aspect of life, but not in a way that is ever forced on you or made to feel oppressive. You must absolutely respect the fact that you are a guest and conduct yourself accordingly, but the life lessons that you can learn from a distance are absolutely fascinating.

The stories of Shiva, Kali, Hanuman, and Krishna are exciting, beautiful narratives that define the very essence of life in India, but it is perhaps the underlying sense of spirit beneath all of the often garish representations of the idols that the outsider can most easily connect with.

Yoga and meditation go hand in hand with most people’s daily routines here, making it the perfect place for you to step back from all of the chaos and look to reconnect with your own true Self.

5. The Whole Territory

India possesses beautiful beaches, probably the most spectacular mountain range in the world, vast deserts, incredible architecture, ancient, almost perfectly preserved, holy temples, elephants and tigers, the Taj Mahal, the River Ganga,

Bollywood, and cities that will give you sensory overrides like no others in the world. With India being blessed with so much variety it means that you never need sit still if you aren’t completely feeling your current location.

Just jump on a plane or catch a train to the next destination. India is bound to have exactly what it is that you were looking for. It’s just up to you to find it.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

10 Great Instagram Poets Who Are Worth Following

Poetry is an artistic form of human language with its artistic qualities in addition to, or instead of, its theoretical and semantic content.  It consists of large literary works in which language is used
in a manner that is felt by its user and audience to differ from ordinary style.

Modern day poetry is largely popular in the form of pictures thanks to the platforms like Instagram. If you use Instagram and love poetry, then you’re definitely on the right track. If you are a lover of poems and words, here are 12 poets you should definitely be following.

1. Tony Ciampa (@emolabs)

Tony Ciampa is a 22 year old student of Northeastern University of Boston. He has over 53k followers on Instagram. He generally features small sketches, with handwritten poems. He is also a writer of an interactive book #fourpartpoems.

2. K. Towne Jr (@k.towne.jr)

Towne Jr has over 16k followers on Instagram thanks to his poignant and catchy poetry. If you start following him, you may soon find yourself attaching a rhythm to his work. His Instagram contains mostly typed pieces, with the occasional drawing and collaboration with other artists.

3. Lang Leav (@langleav)

Lang Leav is the author of best-selling books on Amazon like Love & Misadventure, Lullabies and Memories. Also, her book Lullabies, was 2014 winner of the Goodreads Choice award for poetry.
Lang has been featured in various publications including The Straits Times,

The Guardian and The New York Times. She currently resides in New Zealand with her partner and fellow author Michael Faudet. Her poems are whimsical and feminine, ones that have helped her gain an international fanbase. It’s no surprise that she has over 212K followers in Instagram.

4. Nameless Poet (@anotherenglishpoet)

Nameless Poet is a unique style English poet. He generally express love and memories in an artistic way in his poems. Generally, his poems include some eye catching and artistic sketches as well. He has over 2.4k followers in Instagram.

5. R.M. Drake (@rmdrk)

Drake is an author of Miami New Book: Beautiful and Damned. We can say he is one of the innovator of the whole #instagrampoet movement. He is a Floridian who has 1.5 million Instagram followers.

His poems mainly reflect love, death and loneliness. An enthusiastic fan base, including many celebrities, allowed him to quit his day job (TV art director) and write full-time.

6. The Poetry Bandit (@the_poetrybandit)

The Poetry Bandit is a Canadian poet who features short poems portrayed as products of an antique typewriter. He has over 14k followers. His poetry mainly focuses on depression, recovery, and loss, and his words are both bittersweet and hopeful.

The beauty of his poetry lies in the super short pieces. In one of his posts he references “one line poems on Instagram.” He is very good playing with words in a small space.

7. Make Blackout Poetry (@makeblackoutpoetry)

This Instagram account represents an organization of the same name which is run by poet John Carroll. This account has over 52k followers on Instagram. If you’re a little more on the visual side, blackout poetry may be your choice.

Blackout poetry is created by taking a page from a book, picking out a few words that create a new story, and blackout all the rest. The combinations that can be created are both breathtaking and surprising.

8. Adrian Hendryx (@adrianhendryx)

Adrian Hendryx is a Canadian writer who loves to write edgy poems. People say that her poems match with her look, who often sports a fedora, nose ring and black fingernail polish in photos on her feed. She has over 10k followers on Instagram.

9. Topher Writes (@topher_writes)

Author Topher Kearby not only posts poetic words, but also posts photos of his incredible artwork. Sometimes we can see the combination of his artwork and a poem into one, making it very eye-catching. He is the author of famous first poetry/art book Watercolor Words. He has over 27k followers on Instagram.

10. Atticus Poetry (@atticuspoetry)

Atticus writes mostly short poems and some of his best ones are just one or two lines. If you are fond of fantasy and fictions, this poet is certainly for you, as you’ll often find him mentioning dragons or castles in his work.

He has over 205K followers in Instagram. His poetry is so inspiring that some people have gone as far as getting tattoos of his poems, as shown in many of his Instagram posts.

Monday, June 20, 2016

6 Fashion Tips That Will Make You The Center of the Room

Sometimes, you might just want to fit in with everyone else’s style. But there are other times when you want everyone’s eyes on you. You want to stand out. For those occasions, you need some interesting styles that will make you look great and a bit different from everyone else. If you want to be the center of attention, try one of these looks on for size.

1. Play Fast and Loose

One of the simplest ways to easily turn your look into something noteworthy is to make it clash a little. While clashing doesn’t mean using opposing patterns or colors (we’ll get to that later), you can easily create a unique look by wearing a loose-fitting article along with something more tight-fitting. A common use of this style is to wear skinny jeans along with a bulkier top. For men, this might be a puffy jacket and for women this could be a loose dress over leggings.

2. Use Unique Materials Sparingly

Cotton isn’t the only material, you know. Nothing adds a bit of mystique such as using an uncommonly-worn material. But before you start going all-leather, remember to use it only sparingly, as you would with an accessory. During the cooler months, consider something a little off the beaten path, such as a wool sweater, or in the warmer months, a silk dress.

3. Be Smart With Your Color Choices

Color plays a huge part in fashion. There are rules about color, such as you should use them sparingly, but you know what they say – rules were meant to be broken. While most peoples’s go-tos use mostly neutral colors, it’s good for you to have a few outfits that burst with color. To make your outfit really pop, consider going with two bold complementary colors, such as orange and blue.

4. Play With Symmetry

Good fashion requires a sense of symmetry, but great fashion uses small doses of asymmetry. While you want your outfit as a whole to balance, too much balance is boring. Your idea of asymmetry can be as subtle as a sensible watch or wristband worn on one wrist. Or, you can be a little more conspicuous by wearing an oblique skirt that covers a bit more of one leg than the other. A little imbalance stimulates the eye and makes those around you look twice.

5. Use Accessories Intelligently

Speaking of watches and wristbands, accessories can be a great way to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. There’s a happy medium to be found in accessories: the whole trick is to make them an interesting piece of your ensemble, but on the other hand, you don’t want to make them overly noticeable.

For women, an oversized belt can be a great accessory to color coordinate with the rest of the outfit. And for men, something like a tie pin or an interesting watch can cause a pleasant surprise when it’s finally noticed.

6. Interesting Patterns

Patterns play with a few fashion qualities, as they blend colors and symmetry all at once. Picking an uncommon pattern can be a great way to get all the eyes on you. We’re not talking about overplayed patterns such as plaid and floral. Instead, consider color blocks and geometric patterns with bright, contrasting colors. These patterns are fashionable, yet not very popular, so they’ll give you a familiar, yet still unique, style.

3 Exercises That Burn More Fat Than Running

Running is one of the most beloved exercises. It helps burn calories, and it is a great stress reliever. Moreover, it requires almost nothing, except a good pair of running shoes and an open road. Nevertheless, even if it burns calories, it does it at 10 calories per minute, during a normal marathon pace. For people who seek to lose weight faster or just want something more thrilling, running is not the best option.

They should try some of the better alternatives that are more effective. For instance, jumping rope, cycling or kettle bell swings, burn more fat than running. And they are not the only ones.

Here are other suggestions you could try out, and see which one suits you best. All of them have certain benefits for your health and physical appearance. Furthermore, they are easy to do, and quick, which is great if you are busy and don’t have a lot of time for working out.

1. Battle ropes

This exercise will help you improve your strength, hand grip and balance. They are designed in such a way that makes you work harder and try more. This, in turn, provokes you to put in more strength and power when doing the exercise.

The ropes help you build muscles like biceps, shoulders and legs, depending on what variation of battling ropes you do. There are several exercises that you can do with the battle ropes. Plus, you can do different motions, like linear or circular. Each movement works a specific group of muscles. For instance, you can try doing squats while moving the ropes in a wave motion (double or alternating). Then, you can do the slam.

Take the ropes by the ends, stand with your feet wide apart, lift your hands above the head, and slam the ropes on the floor with all your strength. Stand up, and repeat the move several times. However, if you want to work on your obliques you can do the side slam. The movement is similar with the previous exercise, just bend your knees a little bit and slam on the side of your body.

2. Cycling

Cycling is beneficial to your health for numerous reasons. First of all, it improves your flexibility and muscle strength. Further, it helps you tone your behind, waist and legs. Also, it pumps your heart, making it stronger, as well as rejuvenating your brain. All in all, it is an exercise that puts your whole body to the test and boosts your health to higher levels.

You can take up cycling even if you do not have time for it. For example, you can cycle to work, instead of taking the bus or driving a car. It is healthier and saves you money. You can buy one of those folding bikes, that would fit easily in your office, bag, or car, and wait there until the next time you need it. Additionally, they are great to carry with you if you go on a trip and want to ride a bike there. Not only are they functional, but they are affordable, too.

3. Burpees

This is a combination of exercises, more accurately push ups, and squat jumps. It is intense and demands a lot of strength and endurance. That is why it is great for building stamina and balance. Moreover, you work your whole body by jumping, squatting and doing push ups, so nearly every muscle in the body is being used. It is a great option to lose weight as well as improve your physical endurance.

Burpees do not require any special equipment or a lot of room to perform the exercise. You can do them in your garden, on the balcony, at the gym – anywhere where you have enough space to jump. If you do them for a few repetitions, and combined them with other exercises, the end results would be amazing. And this goes both for your physique and mental health.

So, how do you do burpees? Well, first you should get into a squat position, all the way down, with your hands next to you. Secondly, push your legs backwards and get into a push up position. Do a quick push up, then go back to the first position. From here, you will jump up high, and land in a squat. Repeat a few times. If you want maximum potential, do as many burpees as you can in a minute. If done correctly, you could burn around 10 calories per minute.

These three exercises can be done in combination with others. They do burn more fat than running, but if combined you will get the best results. Even better, they do not require a lot of time, plus they can be done both inside and outside, which is great for busy people, or if weather conditions do not work in your favor. All in all, there is no excuse not to try them out, at least. Take a shot and see what happens. After all, your health is the most important asset you have, and you should not be lazy about it.

4 Amazing Homemade Soap Recipes For Natural Living

The idea of making your own soap can seem bizarre at first. It is not like soap is expensive, and nor is store-bought soap that harmful. So why go through all that effort?

1. Olive Oil Soap

At a fundamental level, every soap recipe consists of mixing together three ingredients: oil, lye, and some other liquid. Olive oil is one of the easiest and most popular oils to use for soap cooking, though coconut oil is another popular, basic choice.

A general soap recipe will work like this: first, you take your oils and heat them until they reach around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, preferably in a slow cooker. Then while wearing protective equipment, you mix together lye and water by pouring the lye into the water (and this cannot be stressed enough: DO NOT POUR THE WATER INTO THE LYE). After that, you mix everything together until they reach a firm, but not solid consistency.

Then you pour the ingredients into a mold and let it wait. Some soap makers will wait as long as a year, but there is nothing wrong with using your homemade soap bar after a few days.

Soap made just with olive oil is known as “castile soap” and is named after the Castile region in Spain. It is known for being fairly soft, though there are ways to make it harder. If you’re interested in a more detailed recipe for how to make Castile soap, then check out this recipe and get to work.

2. Peppermint Soap

If you think that making soap is going to be too difficult or dangerous, there are ways to simplify the process. One way is to use a soap base such as Goats Milk Soap Base, which you can order on Amazon. When you get the soap base, melt it inside a microwave. Then you can add peppermint oil or peppermint zest and mix it to ensure that the soap has a good consistency. You can also use other oils if you’re interested such as lemon.

A peppermint-laced soap smells fantastic, ensures that your body smells fantastic after you’re done showering, and is great for your skin because it contains so many nutrients and vitamins.

3. Oatmeal Soap

Soaps may largely consist of oils, liquids, and lye, but those do not have to be the only ingredients you use. Solid ingredients such as herbs and flowers can be added into any soap mixture to give the soap new fragrances and textures. Mint is a good choice, as are fruit rinds and berries.

But my personal favorite solid ingredient is oatmeal. While we should know the health benefits of eating oatmeal, oatmeal can also be used in other ways to improve our skin. Using oatmeal in the soap adds chemicals called saponins, which can cleanse our face from germs and dirty which harm your skin.

4. Pumpkin Soap

One of the best parts of making soap is that you can customize it to what you need. This can take on a health perspective – for example, a soap made for people with sensitive skin should use more oil and less lye.

But customization can be done just for fine, such as a pumpkin soap which is just perfect for fall. If you want to make pumpkin soap, follow the standard soap making recipes discussed above, but mix pumpkin batter in with everything else. Vanilla blends extremely well with pumpkin, but don’t use more than a couple teaspoons. Otherwise, it will turn your soap brown.

The result is a hearty, rich-smelling soap which works just great on your skin and leaves you smelling of fall.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

How to pack smart and easy for your next trip

Going for a holiday or work trip out of station? Pack it light and right for convenience.
Himanshu Periwal, Vice President, Growth of travel search engine ixigo, has shared a few tips on how to get it right:
* It is easier to fold your clothes while packing your suitcase to use the space properly. Heavier apparel should be kept at the bottom and lighter clothes can be placed on top to keep them wrinkle free.
* If you need formals during the trip, place them on the top for easy access.
* It is always advisable to keep small travel-sized shampoos, deodorants, shower gel, toothpaste et al. Make sure that you seal all the bottles of your toiletries. Unscrew the cap, place a piece of cling wrap on top and screw the cap back on to avoid any kind of leakage.
* Keep your socks inside the shoes and keep these shoes in a shower cap to place them properly in very less space.
* Roll up your belt like a coil, and put it in your shirt. Save yourself some space.
* Keep cotton to remove make-up, cover your razor with binder clips to avoid any random cuts.
* Keep your chargers, earphone, power bank and other documents in your hand bag and a spare dress too if possible.
* If you are travelling in the rainy season, don’t forget to keep your umbrella.
* Keep your ticket details on your mobile phone and keep a copy in your mail too.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Personality Quiz Find out how good you are at being in a relationship

There is one personality trait that consistently predicts relationship satisfaction, and i
t can be measured with a few simple questions. On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much), to what extent do you…
a) pay attention to detail?
b) get chores done straightaway?
c) like order?
d) follow a schedule?
e) ensure that you are always well-prepared?
The personality trait that most reliably predicts relationship satisfaction is not a wicked sense of humour or a fondness for grand romantic gestures, but conscientiousness. If you scored 21-25 you are very conscientious, 16-20 somewhat conscientious, and 15 or less (or you didn’t finish the test) not particularly conscientious.
This might seem surprising, as we can think of conscientious people as rather unromantic or even boring. But other traits, such as extraversion and enjoying new things, can be either good or bad depending on your partner and the stage of your relationship.

It seems that ultimately most of us want a partner who will keep their promises, do their share of the household chores, remember birthdays and anniversaries, not cheat on us and forgive us if we cheat on them – all characteristics of conscientious people, and predictors of relationship satisfaction. As if that’s not enough, conscientious people – across all levels of education and socioeconomic status – also live longer. Let’s raise a (sensibly sized) glass to boring people.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Iranian footballer suspended for wearing SpongeBob trousers

Sosha Makani handed six-month ban by football federation’s morality committee over photo of him wearing yellow trousers.

A professional footballer who has represented Iran’s national team has been suspended for six months from domestic competition after a picture surfaced online showing him wearing what has been described as a pair of SpongeBob SquarePants trousers.

A committee in charge of policing the morality of Iran’s football federation imposed the ban on Sosha Makani, a 29-year-old goalkeeper with Tehran’s well-established Persepolis club, after it deemed his flamboyant pair of bright yellow trousers inappropriate. .

“Sosha suspended for six months because of yellow trousers,” read the headline of Varzesh3, an Iranian sports news agency. “SpongeBob [trousers] cause six-month suspension for Sosha,” said the online news agency Asriran.

Activists fear that an increasing sensitivity towards dress and appearance on the part of Iranian authorities amounts to an intrusion into people’s private lives. A picture of a celebrated Iranian actress, Taraneh Alidoosti, taken during a press conference in Tehran, has infuriated hardliners because it shows her with a feminist tattoo on her left arm. Some have called for her to be banned from screens.

Last month, Iranian news agencies reported that Makani, who played for Iran’s national football team at the 2014 World Cup, was being scrutinised by the authorities over his trousers.

The linking of Makani’s appearance with the American cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants appears to stem from the fact that he was wearing lurid yellow trousers. American fictional characters, such as Mickey Mouse and Barbie, have not been particularly popular with the Iranian authorities, with shops selling their toys having been targeted in the past. Makani’s T-shirt also appears to show a swear word in English.

Authorities are concerned about how the country’s cultural and sport figures appear in public, and are particularly sensitive to their appearances on social media.
An unnamed member of the morality committee was quoted by Varzesh3 as saying that Makani had refused to go to the federation to face questioning on the matter, despite being being summoned. “We took this decision because of his appearance and the impact it can have on the society,” the official was quoted as saying.
Iranians reacted with incredulity, outrage and sarcasm to the committee’s verdict. One user joked on Twitter that Makani was lucky because had he worn a pair of SpongeBob boxer shorts he would have been given a death sentence. “Sosha Makani’s appearance was awful, but being able to choose what you want to wear is a basic matter in the world,” said another user.
A commentator writing on Asriran’s website criticised the move, saying that while international federations were busy investigating financial corruption, the Iranian body was worrying itself with players’ hairstyles or clothing.
Makani has previously fallen foul of the authorities. He was temporarily jailed in January in connection with separate images posted on social media showing him posing with women not wearing the compulsory hijab.


Running bras: ladies, get a better one

What’s up with us? We’ll spend a fortune of luxury printed leggings but let our breasts bounce all over the place because we’re wearing a cheap low-impact bra to go running.

riving with me is fun. If I’m in my car and see a runner, this is what happens: I check out their kit. I check out how they’re running. A heavy heel striker? “Thump thump.” Someone who should do more core strengthening? “Look at that flailing foot.” Pretty much every woman runner I see, ever? “GET A BETTER SPORTS BRA.”

Women, what’s up with you? You’ll spend a fortune on luxury printed leggings, but you let your breasts bounce all over the place because you’re wearing a cheap low-impact high-street bra that is doing nothing for your breasts or your health. A sign at the London Marathon said it clearly enough: “You may run a 26.2 or so miles at a marathon, but your breasts will have moved three miles further.” Yes, even us small-chested runners.

Go to the Shock Absorber website and watch their “bounce-o-meter” video of how much runners’ breasts move. Even small ones. It’s shocking.
Breasts have no muscles. They are made up of fatty tissue stuck to the chest, and when you run, they move, and all that is holding them up are fibrous strands called Cooper’s ligaments. A D cup – the average size of UK women – is 1kg of weight. If the breast is bouncing around, then the ligament is getting stretched – no matter what size your breast – leading to breast droop (a lovely phrase) and discomfort or pain.

Not only do even small breasts bounce around, but they are moving three-dimensionally: up, down and sideways. It is immense impact. Shock Absorber research has found that 44% of women who exercise regularly don’t wear sports bras. And even small breasts move 40mm away from the body. The farthest an unsupported breast can travel is 14cm.

Their data comes from research led by Dr Joanna Scurr of the University of Portsmouth, which has a breast health team in its sports science faculty, and which has also discovered that 70% of women wear the wrong-sized bra. (That includes me: 35 years a 34A, or so I thought, until a specialist bra fitter put me in a 30C – it felt perfect.)

A good sports bra will limit excessive movement using various tricks and technologies, so that the impact on the ligament is contained, and your breast tissues are better protected from damage. Yet some high-street retailers don’t even provide high-impact bras for lower than a C-size cup. I noticed this when I was looking for a sports bra in Tesco’s F&F range, but Tesco isn’t the only retailer that thinks a small cup size must mean we have suddenly sprouted magic breast-holding muscles. Wrong.

Sports clothing company Brooks recently launched a Moving Comfort range. It sent me a Fiona bra to try out (disclaimer: I like it) along with a bra book, aimed at sports retailers, that is a bra geek’s heaven. There are pages of moisture-wicking fabric, horsepower technology, various sizes, styles and support. There are racer backs and thin straps, comprehensive guides to band size (the span of your torso around your ribcage), cup sizes and what straps to choose.

Straps shouldn’t cut into the shoulders. No bra should celebrate a birthday (change it every six months); not washing it every three wears can let sweat and bacteria degrade the fabric. It is as eye-opening as watching a large-breasted woman runner who hasn’t invested in a good bra.
Yet even large-breasted women can run in comfort, for an investment of about £20. Bra manufacturers, admittedly, recommend different bras for different sports, but if you’re doing several frequently, get a good high-impact bra for now and wash it often.

The cynical will scoff. This, surely, is just another moneymaking attempt from sportswear manufacturers who want us to change our shoes every season, and buy hi-tech fabric, when tatty old trainers and old jogging clothes do just fine. It’s true you can run in whatever clothes you like. Nor do you need a fancy GPS watch. But all runners need to invest in shoes that fit properly, and all women runners need to spend money on an equally well-chosen, properly fit bra.

Breast science is not frivolous. Breast pain or embarrassment about it, the Breast Health Group has found, may be preventing half of schoolgirls participating in sport, while only one in 10 of 14-year-old girls meets the government’s guidelines for physical activity.

In an enlightening infographic video, the group reveals that 15% of girls think their breasts are too big for them to do any sport. Brooks’ research found that 25% of women don’t work out as hard as they could because of breast bounce.

Women and girls, if all that hasn’t persuaded you, then think about this: the way you run can be changed by what bra you wear. Fit better, run faster and give your breasts a break.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

40 Things You’d Better Do Before 50

Everyone lives once only. Though all of us have plenty of dreams and goals, it usually ends up with nothing done. And a number of us end up just fulfilling what others want, but not what we truly enjoy. 50 is a critical age that we’re only left with half of the time, if we’re fortunate enough to live to 100. So why not do what you want and what can make you happy as soon as possible?

Here are 40 inspiring things that worth a try before you turn 50.

Go to see your favorite band.

Forgive someone from your past. Holding on to bitterness is like buying poison and taking it yourself, so forgive them – even if it is only for your benefit.

Cut out any toxic friends you have. They will never change, and you don’t need that negativity.

Go on holiday with your best friends. Even if it is just one night away in the country it will be memorable, hilarious and fun.

Travel by yourself. You can spend the day doing exactly what you want, and you will fall in love with being alone all over again.

Forgive your parents for any mistakes they made while raising you. No-one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes.

Book a massage after a stressful day. You deserve it!

Buy coffee or lunch for someone who looks like they need it. You will both feel better afterwards.

Read the books that everyone is always talking about.

Go out for a meal by yourself. Wear an outfit you love, order your favorite meal and leave whenever you are ready – bliss.

Volunteer for a good cause that is close to your heart.

Watch your favorite movie once again.

Complete a physical challenge, from a marathon to doing 10 push-ups.

Quit the job you hate.

Make something from scratch. It feels amazing to create something beautiful by yourself.

Learn a foreign language. It will make traveling easier, and it will expand your world perspective.

Find a phrase or quote that moves you and make it your personal mantra. Say it to yourself every day whenever you feel stressed or nervous.

Watch the sunset. It may be a cliché, but it really is beautiful and awe-inspiring.

Conquer a fear that you have struggled with for a long time. Fear only holds you back!

Treat yourself to something you really want, like a pair of expensive shoes. It is okay once in a while – you deserve to own something that makes you feel happy!

Send your parents flowers and tell them that you love them.

Write a letter to your partner or child to tell them how much you love and care for them. Everyone deserves to feel loved sometimes, and they will keep the letter for years to come.

Make the effort to like something you currently dislike, like a music genre or mushrooms – you could find out that you actually love it!

Grow a plant from a seed.

Visit all of your country’s historical landmarks. It will help you to learn more about your country, and you will be inspired by the beautiful things you see.

Apply for your dream job. You never know what will happen!

Be a mentor for someone you know. It could be a work college, a friend or someone in your family – there are people everywhere who are looking for help and advice.

Go without technology for a week. You will enjoy a very peaceful and tranquil week.

Do something that you may regret later. Sometimes the best things happen when we decide to take a risk.

Spend a night camping under the stars.

Start your own business.

Live somewhere that is totally different to your home town. This will broaden your horizons and help you to understand alternative perspectives.

Quit a bad habit, e.g. eating too much at a time.

Email your hero to let them know how much they mean to you. Even if they never read it, you will feel better for writing it.

Make a fool of yourself without feeling embarrassed.

Go for a picnic on your own. You’ll learn to enjoy yourself.

Read jokes and laugh until your ribs hurt.

Print out your favorite photos and put them in frames around your home.

Learn something you’ve never imagined before.

Forgive yourself, for what you’ve regretted doing.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

11 Fantastic Ways Passionate People Impact The World

We all know what it looks like when people are passionate about something. It could be ice cream or fashion or whales, the “what” doesn’t matter — the passion behind it does.

The energy found in a passionate person and the way they impact the world leaves us all changed, sometimes in ways we don’t even realize at the time. It sits as a temporary moment and in a flash, it is gone. Later, we remember that moment and the feeling it stirred within us.

We recall the way the person’s eyes lit up whenever they were vulnerable and honest with their passion and were willing to share it with us. We felt their excitement. We were drawn into their being. We tasted their power and allowed it to fill our hearts and souls.

Sometimes, without appreciating it at the time, our reality is changed… just because of their passions and how it impacts all of us.
Here’s how they do it:

1. They are problem solvers
Passionate people don’t waste time on blame for the issue at hand. They understand the situation they are in and look to find a way to fix it. They are eager to resolve the problem and do not seek fame in doing so; they are merely in it to move the process along. They understand that even in the attempt of solving a problem that they are closer than they were before. They are not afraid to try.

2. They are unconditional givers 

No matter what they give, they do so with no strings attached. They understand their role and embrace it. The meaning behind what they give — whether it be their time, their knowledge, or something more of monetary value — never diminishes or changes no matter what happens after the gift is given. Their hearts know the reason and the intent of the giving and the unselfishness purpose is everything they need. It is not found in recognition. It is not found in accolades. It is only found in the joy they feel afterwards.

3. The are humble
Speaking of giving, passionate people are extremely humble. They embarrass easily when someone highlights their passions or compliments them on something they did that seemed so effortless at the time. They try to blend in with the rest of the crowd and would rather the attention focus on the change they are making instead of the person behind the change. Although this world is full of ego-starved personalities, the most passionate people don’t need to have their ego fed. Instead, they silently embrace the responsibility given to them and the ability to make a difference.

4. They make purposeful decisions

Passionate people don’t wait around and when a decision must be made, they believe wholeheartedly in that choice. They live with intent. They do not allow things to happen, but make things happen instead. They are not afraid to make tough decisions, speak up when needed, and are willing to accept the consequences. They are not afraid of confrontation, but will deal with it when it comes. Although some may not see the reason behind the choices they make, passionate people have a reason for doing anything. They own as much as they can, and accept that life cannot be left to “chance.”

5. They follow their hearts 

They allow their heads to be smart about their decisions but more often than not, they allow their hearts to guide them. They don’t just listen to their souls — they embrace the messages coming from within. These people have learned to trust their intuition and even if the outcome is not the desired one, they understand the reason they made it. They are not afraid to let others see their vulnerability and in doing so, inspire others to show compassion, generosity, and kindness to those around them.

6. They see the “big” picture

Passionate people are not afraid of the battle they will fight in changing the world. They understand the concept behind “the ripple effect” and why even just impacting one life will have a trickle-down effect that none of us could fully grasp, no matter how hard we try. In doing so, they understand that by impacting a single person changes more than we think it will and appreciate that adding even one stone to a wall builds a fortress. It’s not about the number as it is about the way our lives change because of an appetite for living life to the fullest.

7. They have a positive nature

There are are always going to be two ways to see things in life — one is negative while the other is positive. In most cases, we all find it easier to complain about what didn’t go right, who didn’t do whatever, and why nothing matters. That’s easy. Passionate people don’t dwell in negativity; instead, they see what’s hidden underneath: the good things that can come from a bad situation. Being positive is found in perspective and passionate people just see the world a little differently. They understand the reality that life brings, but are hopeful for the future of everyone.

8. They are visionaries

Passionate people are not limited. Even the biggest of comfort zones don’t stand a chance. Pushing themselves to reach higher, do more, and use their creativity to influence the world becomes not just something they do, but it is something they are. Using their imagination to the fullest and believing in what is possible allows us all to discover more of what could be. Visionaries are not hindered by critics. They are, in fact, driven by those same doubts that would inhibit others.

9. They take action

Fear does not prevent a passionate person from doing something they believe in. They are not afraid to stand alone. Passionate people do more than talk — they actually take it one step further. More than people that “stir the pot” and walk away, passionate people find their own motivation and use it to build momentum. Their actions attract attention not because they want it, but because it is the right thing to do and they understand that until someone actually does something, nothing will change. In a sense, they become an “Army of One,” knowing that the chance to do something quickly vanishes.

10. They aren’t afraid to fail

Passionate people are willing to try just about anything. They accept that failure can only be found on the road to success so they expect it. In the process, they learn more than if they had never done anything to begin with and use that knowledge and made adjustments. Passionate people never allow a failure to have the last word because after a failure, it is still the passion of what matters that pushes them forward. Giving up isn’t a part of their vocabulary and they constantly encourage others to keep moving forward as well.

11. They are life-long learners

None of us knows everything. They are not afraid to admit when they are wrong and allow themselves to be open to new information being shared with them. They are eager to gather more knowledge and will share that with others, regardless. They are willing to share their wisdom freely rather than keeping it for themselves. Whether they are reading books, attending seminars, or just watching life unfold in front of them, passionate people are more aware of the lessons out there for all of us and implement them into their daily thoughts and actions.

As for yourself — why are you so mesmerized by the the purpose and passion found in people? Why is a single act so important and how can it change the world you live in? How can one man or one woman make a difference in a world so vast where anger, hate, and violence still seems to prevail over love and peace? What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Monday, June 6, 2016

Women do this one thing far more than their male partners during sex

Women are far noisier than men when they are having sex , according to a new survey.

A whopping 88% of women admitted that they were louder than their partners during love-making.
And 64% of men polled also confirmed that their female lovers drowned them out w
hen they were getting intimate.

With Wimbledon just weeks away, the survey found that sex is like tennis - with women making all the noise.

Making a racket in the sack adds to the fun for most couples.

Seven out of ten men (71%) said they liked it when their partner made noise during sex.

Almost as many women (62%) said they enjoyed it when their men audibly expressed pleasure during sex.

The findings were revealed in a poll of 1,000 people by, Britain's leading dating website for married people.

It found that 59% of men and 57% of women had been overheard having sex because they were making so much noise.

Scientists say there is no reason why women should be noisier than men - either in bed or on the tennis court. spokesman Christian Grant said: "Noisy sex tends to be an individual thing.
Some people scream the house down at a concert, others watch without making a sound. It doesn't mean they're not enjoying it as much!

"One theory might be that since women fake it more often than men do, perhaps they feel obliged to provide 'evidence' that they're enjoying themselves?

"It is interesting that people having affairs make more noise when having sex with their lovers than they do with their married partners.

"All evidence suggests that this is because the sex is more exciting when you having an affair.

"Most people who stay in a marriage while cheating on their partner say they end up straying because their sex life at home has become staid and boring."

Saturday, June 4, 2016

How to Boost Your Self-Confidence in 5 Easy Steps

Self-confidence is the value that you place on yourself, but a lot of people confuse this with arrogance. The difference between arrogance and self-confidence is the latter’s good intention. Arrogance, on the other hand, involves belittling another person’s ability or bitterness.
If you wish to become successful, belief in your own self is an asset that you want to have in your arsenal. Regardless if you are applying for a new job, or you are faced in a difficult situation, self-confidence can help you get to where you want to be. In fact, confidence can be seen by individuals around you.
When you lack the self-esteem to believe in what you do, it can be detrimental to different aspects of your life. Here, you start to question your abilities and even your worth. This could even lead to depression which could have severe consequences in your life.
How exactly do you boost your self-confidence and be sure about yourself? Here are some easy steps that you can implement in your life.

Know your skills

The first and most important step in regaining your confidence is to know exactly what you can offer to the table. Start by determining your skills. Evaluate how you fair against other individuals.
If you think that you still lack the skills to standout, there are two things that you can do to avoid the feelings of insecurity about your weaknesses. You can either work on your weakness to get that edge, or you can also focus on your strong points.

Shrug off past failures

If you read the biographies of successful individuals, you will discover that a lot of them have been considered failures in some points of their life. It is through perseverance and maximizing opportunities that they found success in life.
If you had a series of failures in the past, make sure to learn from its lessons instead of questioning your abilities. From there, you can become a better person and have the confidence to try again or venture on new opportunities.

Dress to kill

Ever wondered why the corporate world requires everyone to dress formally? Perhaps, you’ve wondered why hospitals have doctors dress in their white coats outside of consultations or surgeries? It’s because it affects your psyche.
If you feel that you lack the confidence, change the way you dress for the day and you will notice a big difference. You can browse online to see different suggested outfits for an empowering look.

Change your environment

Ever wondered why individuals who grew with supportive parents most likely become successful? Environment plays a crucial role in changing your mindset and your overall confidence. If you are living in a toxic environment, you could easily feel down. What you want is to change your environment. If you have friends who simply question your dreams and plans, might as well stick with like minded individuals who can support your goals.

Live a healthy life

Ever wondered why obese and overweight individuals are usually sad? It has been discovered that a high-fat diet can lead to depression. There is a great correlation between your confidence and your health. As rule of thumb, if you wish to change your outlook, it is a good idea to live a healthy life.
Of course, this is easier said than done. You have to take small steps in order to live a healthier life. You can start working out two to three times a week in order to initiate a change in your lifestyle. Next, you can also make use of supplements to get the best results. You can invest on whey powders and even L-carnitine to see faster results to what you are doing.
Once you achieved a healthier life, you will be surprised how confident you can be. Aside from the endorphins that make you happy, living a healthy life can let you do so many things that you don’t thing are possible.


If you think that you lack the self-confidence to perform different things in life, it isn’t always a hopeless case. With these simple steps, you can easily rediscover yourself. You will be surprised just how you can change your mindset and live as if a different person.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

8 Ways To Earn More Money While You Have A Full-Time Job

In a world where we are faced with towering levels of responsibilities, it has become common for adults to take on two or more jobs to earn more money and make ends meet.

Whether it’s to support one’s education, help a loved one financially, or simply to make sure that we are financially secured, acquiring more than one job is no longer out of the ordinary.

We’re now more adaptive to our environment and the endless changes that cross our paths, making us braver to step ahead from mediocrity.

In this modern age, advanced technology is something that people take advantage of. It has now become a platform where work is done faster and where communication is easier. Through these conduits, entrepreneurs and job-seeking individuals have become dependent on the internet.

If you’re thinking about expanding your horizons and taking on a new source of income, you have come to the right place. Here’s a list of jobs that can help provide the extra earnings that you need:

1. Tutor online

This has become a common part-time job for some who already have day jobs. The good thing about being an online tutor is that you are totally in control of your time. Most online tutors provide English lessons to non-English speaking individuals from countries like South Korea or China.

2. Be an online writer

This is another common part-time job for job seekers. Although this is a little bit more complex than being an online tutor, getting a job as online writer is a surefire way to broaden your knowledge about something you haven’t encountered before.

3. Post videos on Youtube

Social media channels like Youtube offer their users a fun, engaging way to earn by simply posting videos on their site. Clips that contain pornographic, offensive and/or inappropriate material are big deal-breakers. Remember, if you want to make money online, do it in a decent way.

4. Offer typing jobs

Proud of your typing skills? Let your skill be known by seeking out employers who need help in completing a typing project. This kind of job usually comes with deadlines, so make sure you get the job done as discussed.

5. Be a babysitter

If you’re tired working in front of a computer all day and need some time to earn comfortably, getting a job as a babysitter could be the right one for you. Babies will be your bosses and your sole job requirement is to keep them happy. Win-win, right?

6. Sell baked goodies

If you have the tools, knowledge, and a handy recipe book, selling cookies, cupcakes, bread, and other baked goods may be a great part-time gig for you. Be mindful of your quality, as this will be your top asset among your competition.

7. Be an Uber driver

Someone who loves to drive and knows the rules of the road is the perfect person to be an Uber driver. If you think you exemplify these attributes, why not try giving it a shot?

8. Be an online translator

If you’re bilingual or multi-lingual, there’s a long list of employers who are waiting to hire someone with your skill set.

5 Things That Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day

Bodyweight exercises are gaining ground in the fitness world due to the practicality and simplicity of getting in shape using your own body weight. Planks are one form of bodyweight exercises that will never go out of fashion.

Planks are one of the most effective exercises you can do. Why? Because they require a small time investment on your part, and offer the chance to achieve substantial results in a relatively short span of time.

Abdominal muscles must provide support for our entire back and spinal column.. In doing so, they also play a vital role in preventing injuries. However, for them to perform this function successfully, our core muscles have to be strong and trained on a regular basis.

What all this means is that doing plank exercises every day is a great way to strengthen your core, and in doing so, support your spine.

Now, let’s focus on what will happen when you start doing planks every day:

1. You’ll decrease your risk of injury in the back and spinal column

Doing planks is a type of exercise that allow you to build muscle while also making sure that you are not putting too much pressure on your spine or hips.

According to the American Council on Exercise, doing planks regularly not only significantly reduces back pain but it also strengthens your muscles and ensures a strong support for your entire back, especially in the areas around your upper back.

Check out this article if you would like to find out about how doing planks on different surfaces can impact the effectiveness of this exercise in strengthening your core.

2. You’ll experience an increased boost to your overall metabolism

Planking is an excellent way of challenging your entire body because doing them every day will burn more calories than other traditional abdominal exercises, such as crunches or sit-ups. The muscles you strengthen by doing this exercise on a day-to-day basis will ensure that you burn more energy even when sedentary. This is especially important if you are spending the majority of your day sitting in front of a computer. Also, making it a daily 10- to 1 minute home exercise before or after work will not only provide an enhanced metabolic rate but it will also ensure that that metabolic rate remains high all day long, (yes, even while you are asleep).

3. You’ll significantly improve your posture

Doing planks greatly improves your ability to stand you will be able to maintain proper posture at all times because muscles in the abdomen have a profound effect on the overall condition of your neck, shoulders, chest and back.

with straight and stable posture. Through strengthening your core

4. You’ll improve overall balance

Have you ever felt that when you tried standing on one leg, you couldn’t stand up straight for more than a couple of seconds? It’s not because you  boost your performance in every kind of sporting activity.

were drunk- unless you happened to be at the time!-  but rather, it’s because your abdominal muscles weren’t strong enough to give you the balance you needed. Through improving your balance by doing side planks and planks with extensions you will

5. You’ll become more flexible than ever before

Flexibility is a key benefit of doing planks regularly, for this form of exercise expands and stretches all your posterior muscle groups – shouldersshoulder blades, and collarbone – while also stretching your hamstrings, arches of your feet, and toes. With a side plank added in to the mix, you can also work on your oblique muscles. This will provide you with further benefits when it comes to hyper-extending your toes, a movement that is crucial for supporting your body’s weight.