Monday, June 20, 2016

6 Fashion Tips That Will Make You The Center of the Room

Sometimes, you might just want to fit in with everyone else’s style. But there are other times when you want everyone’s eyes on you. You want to stand out. For those occasions, you need some interesting styles that will make you look great and a bit different from everyone else. If you want to be the center of attention, try one of these looks on for size.

1. Play Fast and Loose

One of the simplest ways to easily turn your look into something noteworthy is to make it clash a little. While clashing doesn’t mean using opposing patterns or colors (we’ll get to that later), you can easily create a unique look by wearing a loose-fitting article along with something more tight-fitting. A common use of this style is to wear skinny jeans along with a bulkier top. For men, this might be a puffy jacket and for women this could be a loose dress over leggings.

2. Use Unique Materials Sparingly

Cotton isn’t the only material, you know. Nothing adds a bit of mystique such as using an uncommonly-worn material. But before you start going all-leather, remember to use it only sparingly, as you would with an accessory. During the cooler months, consider something a little off the beaten path, such as a wool sweater, or in the warmer months, a silk dress.

3. Be Smart With Your Color Choices

Color plays a huge part in fashion. There are rules about color, such as you should use them sparingly, but you know what they say – rules were meant to be broken. While most peoples’s go-tos use mostly neutral colors, it’s good for you to have a few outfits that burst with color. To make your outfit really pop, consider going with two bold complementary colors, such as orange and blue.

4. Play With Symmetry

Good fashion requires a sense of symmetry, but great fashion uses small doses of asymmetry. While you want your outfit as a whole to balance, too much balance is boring. Your idea of asymmetry can be as subtle as a sensible watch or wristband worn on one wrist. Or, you can be a little more conspicuous by wearing an oblique skirt that covers a bit more of one leg than the other. A little imbalance stimulates the eye and makes those around you look twice.

5. Use Accessories Intelligently

Speaking of watches and wristbands, accessories can be a great way to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. There’s a happy medium to be found in accessories: the whole trick is to make them an interesting piece of your ensemble, but on the other hand, you don’t want to make them overly noticeable.

For women, an oversized belt can be a great accessory to color coordinate with the rest of the outfit. And for men, something like a tie pin or an interesting watch can cause a pleasant surprise when it’s finally noticed.

6. Interesting Patterns

Patterns play with a few fashion qualities, as they blend colors and symmetry all at once. Picking an uncommon pattern can be a great way to get all the eyes on you. We’re not talking about overplayed patterns such as plaid and floral. Instead, consider color blocks and geometric patterns with bright, contrasting colors. These patterns are fashionable, yet not very popular, so they’ll give you a familiar, yet still unique, style.

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